Effective 4 steps to learn a new skill in 20 hours only.

2 min readDec 24, 2020


Many times in your life till now you might have heard that, it takes 10,000 hours to learn new skill. But here you will think so I’ll have to invest my 10,000 hours which are equal to almost 3 year of your working hours. And you might be kick out the thought of learning a new skill by reading that.

But here 10,000 hours is a amount of hours which is calculated by researcher from the best player of the world. And by that they given this amount of time.

To master or being expert of a skill takes 10,000 hours. Not to learn a new skill. So if you have such type of stupid thought in your mind which push-down you to learn a new skill then remove it right now. And go ahead apply the 4 steps to learn a new thing in 20 hours.

Here 20 hours are not mean to stuck with that particular skill for 20 hours continuously. You can set it as you wish. Such an example, you can learn it for 1 hour for 20 days Or 2 hours for 10 days.

Here 20 hours are not mean to stuck with that particular skill for 20 hours continuously. You can set it as you wish. Such an example, you can learn it for 1 hour for 20 days Or 2 hours for 10 days.

Here are 4 steps to follow :

1. Deconstruct the skill

2. Learn enough to self-correct

3. Remove practice barriers

4. Practice at least 20hrs.

This 4 steps are find from the book :

Book : The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything … Fast

Author : Josh Kaufman

Book Cover

For more, checkout this link : https://first20hours.com/

For YouTube video go trough this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MgBikgcWnY




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